Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Whine less, wine more!

Ever have one of those days where everything seems to goes wrong? You're running late for work because your alarm clock doesn't go off, the button flies off of your pants mid buttoning, and then you get stopped by a train for what seems to be the longest six minutes of your life! 
You finally make it to work 10 minutes late, and realize you were supposed to pick up the morning meeting doughnuts. Fabulous! All you have in your desk is half a bag of Red Vines, and two Christmas cakes. Great. As you fumble through your desk to find anything edible to feed nine co-workers, you receive a text from the office sycophant letting you know that she's running behind because of her "perfect" kiddos. You tell her about your morning mishaps, and beg her to stop at a Quik Trip to grab anything edible. She agrees, and you proceed to stall the meeting by telling stories and sharing photos of your precious pooches. Twenty minutes, and four slide shows later the sycophant arrives! Saved by the Sycophant!  But, wait...!? Those aren't white plastic bags filled with 99 cent honey buns?  Those are nice brown paper bags that say PANERA bread!?!! Brown noser. Did she bring bagels & cream cheese, you ask? Oh, no. She brings yummy scones AND coffee! Errrrr... Why wouldn't she? This gets her off the hook for being late, and she saves the day! At this point -9am- you're wishing that your alarm clock had never gone off, and wondering if you have enough wine at home to cover a day like this? By 3 o'clock you've broke two nails, stapled your blouse to your trousers, and accidentally 'replied all' to an email that had you "up in arms" over the heating & air unit. 
Once five o'clock rolls around you bolt out the door, and can't wait to hit the nearest drive thru liquor store (squealing in on two tires) for two, maybe three bottles of wine. You arrive home, in one piece thank God, and are ready to take on a bottle with both hands! Your roommate asks how your day was. In between your little bitchfest about the sycophant and her super hero ways, you take nice, long gulps of your moscato. You realize at that moment that the more you drink, the better you feel. Ahhhhh.... Release! Amazing what a bottle of wine can do for a bad day! 

Whine less, wine more! :) 


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Down with the sickness...

Head in the toilet. Cold wash cloth on the back of my neck. Humidifier on. This is how day one of 2013 started off for this lady...😕

Howdy, folks! Happy New Year! This sure isn't how I wanted to kick off MY year. (I say my year because I read a horoscope of mine that basically said that I was going to grab 2013 by the balls!) But, we can't plan everything can we? I've been sick for the past seven days, and finally decided that Advil & Mucinex weren't doing the trick. It was time for antibiotics & I needed to feel human again! Went to Urgent Care this morning....

Hoping these antibiotics start to whip me into shape ASAP! I've got lots of New Years Resolutions to get to! Thankfully this sickness has given me time off from work, and with that time off I was able to begin one of the biggest adventures I've been putting off. Starting this blog. I hope you will "give a hoot", and find humor & interest in my trials and tribulations, and follow me on this adventure we call life! 
